So, with the drama of yesterday behind me, I am feeling MUCH better. Amazing what being able to sleep soundly for 6 hours will do to ones disposition. It is still setting in that I am going to be a grandma, but the worry is here full force. Geez, I don't think I was this worried about my own pregnancies!!!!!!!!!!! That's a moms job, worry for everybody. And yes, for all you wondering, I did celebrate and buy something for the baby. I was going to take a picture of it, but since Angela reads this blog, I will wait until she gets it and then posts a picture. One thing is guaranteed and nonnegotiable: all my grandchildren will be spoiled rotten!!! MUHAHAHAHAHHAH!!!! I have linked Angela's blog spot to mine, so if you want to check in on her, feel free to do so. Do you like the pregnancy ticker I put on my blog??? Okay, I am off to the post office to see how much of a loan I will have to take out to send my package to Korea.