I have been told by many that I have a heart of gold. I put others needs well ahead of my own. It's just me. I have been told I am too nice, too trusting, too caring, etc. My husband always says to me, "You are way nicer then me or way nicer then I would have been." Now believe me, I am by no means a push over, but I do have a very special place in my heart for people in need. So, on Friday, a team member who I hired and have known for awhile, tells me how she had an unexpected car expense and has no money to get groceries. This is a 44 year old woman with a 21 year old daughter that she is supporting on $8.42 an hour. The issue of her daughter is a whole different post. Anyhow, I ask if she can go to the foodshelf to get some groceries and she replies, "not till Monday." Oh, I almost forgot to mention that several months ago I bought said team member a pair of New Balance shoes which cost $75.00 to help her out. I proceed to talk to a few other managers. One tells me she is concerned that she is starting to take for granted the help from others. So, I decide to talk to David to see what he thinks I should do. After talking for awhile, I decide to go ahead and call said team member to tell her that I will help her out with groceries for the weekend. I spent $25.00 on basic necessities for her and her daughter. Said team member thanks me. I remind her that she has to go to the foodshelf on Monday, and she agrees. Yesterday, I see said team member at work and she asks if I can buy her one more thing. I pull out $10.00 from my pocket, give it to her and tell her to put the change in my desk. About 15 minutes later, I saw another manager and we started talking about said team member. I tell her what I did for said team member and she says, "Girlfriend, something is not right. I witnessed said team member paying cash for her lunch today that cost $7.74"! I will help anybody in need, but when I am lied to or deceived, my heart of gold turns to a heart of stone. Said team member has lots of 'splainin to do!!