Saturday, December 25, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Stick a fork in me............
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Happy Birthday Nehemiah!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Happy Birthday..........
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Not feeling bloggy
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Happy Birthday Jennifer Lynn Hunt!
Friday, August 13, 2010
The Cruise Day 6
Cozumel. David and the boys had booked an excursion to go to the Mayan Ruins this day, so I was flying solo. It really wasn't solo as I had Jen and my mom and dad to pal around with. This was the day the cruise was for. The big 50th anniversary of my mom and dad. This was the day we all wore our matching shirts which mom and dad had made for us. After breakfast we found a spot on the ship to take the big group picture. Of course there were shenanigans going on, but we were able to get over our giggles and take some really great family photos. After the photos David and the boys headed off to their meeting spot and I met my mom and dad and Jen and headed out to explore Cozumel. All I can say is Holy Jewelry Stores Batman! Silver, gold, diamonds, rubies, tanzanite......you name it they were ready to sell it to you! Of course there were "special" deals for cruisers. Sorry Cozumel, I grew up in the jewelry industry and it takes more then that to get me to buy! I did find a shop that had the cutest hippo statues EVER! I so regret not getting the artists name. Oh, well next time. I finally got up the courage to ask for a price. When all was said and done the salesman and I were off about $800.00 in what I was willing to pay, so needless to say the hippos stayed in Cozumel. Again, next time. It was HOT, HOT, HOT in Cozumel, so going into the stores was more to cool down then anything. There were stores shoved in every nook and cranny. I missed David and the boys dearly, but I knew they were having a blast exploring the Mayan Ruins. It was a spendy excursion, but they all had a great time and experince of a lifetime. Jen wanted to stop by Senor Frogs, but didn't find anything she couldn't live without. I was able to find an authentic Mayan tomahawk for Tony's weapon collection. I "bartered" for a better price and in the end felt like I did good. We did a lot of walking that day and returned to the ship dripping wet from the heat. The boys finally made it back to the ship and it was time to celebrate the BIG 50! I thought long and hard for what I could give mom and dad that they didn't already have, and through the miracle of the internet, I was able to get them featured on the cover on Time magazine. The entire family contributed their thoughts about mom/dad/grandma/grandpa and the gift was well received. I even gave a little speech at dinner about the hard work it takes to make a marriage work. I am soooo proud of my mom and dad and even more proud to be their daughter. After dinner we hit the promanade and took advantage of the many deals that were being offered to us. Next up Day 7 and getting ready to pack it all up!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Haven't forgotten
Saturday, July 31, 2010
We Interrupt the Cruise Posts.........
Saturday, July 24, 2010
The Cruise Day5
Grand Cayman. Probably the most upscale island we visited. I really liked Grand Cayman, but Haiti still won my heart. This was our only port of call that we docked in the ocean and had to be tendered to shore. There were three other cruise ships also visiting that day. We were tendered by local boats that held about 200 people. One of the other cruise lines tendered their passengers using their lifeboats. I found this quite funny. We arrived on the island and once again had no excursions booked. We immediately came upon a little historical area that told us about the history of the island. After reading and taking a few pictures, we headed to town to look at some of the shops. I loved the island feel of the town. There were shops and eating places everywhere you looked. It was really hot out so it was nice to go into the shops to cool down a bit. I did not find the help particularly friendly. Tony managed to find a wooden knife to ad to his weapons collection. I fell in love with a gorgeous ceramic lizard which came home with us. We drooled over the Lladro creations in the stores. We went out and explored the town more and found chickens just wandering the streets. We also explored their post office and discovered huge handcrafted iguana figures all over town. We ended up finding a museum where we learned a lot about their culture and history. That was fun. When we were done exploring, we headed back to the ship to eat and swim! Next up: Cozumel.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
The Cruise Day 4
Ochos Rios, Jamaica. Welcome to Jamaica, Mon. I do not have much nice to say about Jamaica. It was stinky and smelly and I could not wait to get back to the boat! We did not book any excursions for Jamaica. We decided we would just walk around and explore on our own. We no sooner got off the pier and were asked at least a million times if we needed a taxi. We were also asked if we needed any weed. Say WHAT? NO, NO, NO, and NO again was the word of the day. My brother in law joked that he was going to make a shirt and sell it that said, "No thank you , Mon". I think he could have sold a million that day. I kid you not, everywhere we turned we were asked if we needed a taxi. Not far off the pier were shops where we could go and look at pretty much everything imagineable. Some of the scenery was really pretty, but I wouldn't want to get lost in that town. We did manage to find a local who had a donkey and a bunch of other animals who allowed Tony and my Mom to join his show. (Of course for a "donation"!) Seriously, I don't know what this guy was high on, but he was an interesting fellow. We saw some lovely turtles and explored the markets. Tony managed to find a boomerang to add to his weapons collection and I managed to buy a beautiful wood carved and painted bowl from a very nice local woman. My dad also bought me a cute pair of dolphin salt and pepper shakers to add to my collection. Thanks, Dad!!! Oh and I almost forgot Tony got a hat complete with crocheted dreadlocks. We returned to the boat for yet another scrumptious buffet. I went to the top deck to take more pictures of Jamaica while others either went swimming or to the gameroom. Jamaica wasn't all bad, just not a place I would want to go for an extended vacation. Next up Day 5 and Grand Cayman.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
The Cruise Day 3
Saturday, July 10, 2010
The Cruise Day 2
We woke up bright and early, by we I mean David and myself, showered and went outside. It was the most amazing site to be seen. The majority of the ship was still asleep so David asked if I wanted to just relax and watch the ocean or go to deck 5 and go all the way to the very forward of the ship which happened to be where the heliport was. I wanted to go to the most forward part of the ship and take it all in. Cuba was off in the distance and the sun had just risen. It was VERY windy on deck 5 but I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED it. I couldn't believe my eyes.
The ocean was amazing and seeing the ship just cut through the waves was unbelievable. Seriously, I could have spent the entire cruise just watching the ocean. David and I spent many mornings in that same spot and just enjoyed our time being us and one with nature. We had lots of discussions about our life, the past, the present and the future. We made a vow to start planning cruise number 2 as soon as we returned, and have pretty much made that decision. I couldn't believe that my husband was enjoying the trip as much as me! After about an hour, we decided to go back to see if any of the kids were up and were hungry. We once again headed up to the 11th floor for our buffet breakfast. HOLY MOLY, a girl could sure get used to these buffets. I think the best part of the buffets was being able to eat overlooking the ocean every meal. Once again the food did not disappoint. I absolutely fell in love with the hashbrowns they served. Seriously, while everybody else was talking about lobster, steak, shrimp, etc., I was praising the hashbrowns! Day 2 was entirely spent at sea, so all we did was lounge around at the pool. No phones, no emails, no nothing, just me and my family spending time together. It doesn't get any better than this!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
The Cruise Day One
While most of the world treated this like any other day, we were about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime. I was so organized with everything UNTIL the last day. Thank goodness for an extra suitcase! The van picked us up at 10 and we were OFF!
It was nearly a two hour ride to Miami, but nobody cared. We were ready to get on that boat! As we approached the Port of Miami, my dad pointed and said, "There's our boat." I about lost it. All these years of dreaming of cruising and that dream was about to become a reality. I was soooooooooooooo excited.
The van dropped us off, we got our luggage and bam!, we were on the boat. The first thing we had to do was get our sea passes which was how we paid for everything onboard. After we showed our passports and got our sea passes, we headed to the 11th floor for lunch. Holy Moly! There was food EVERYWHERE! After lunch we checked out our rooms, threw on our bathing suits and headed to the pools!
It was finally time to disembark so we headed up to the 12th floor to begin our adventure. I felt like any moment I was going to awaken and it was all a dream. It was no dream. Haiti here we come. We spent the rest of the day checking out our ship and trying to get our bearings. There were 14 floors on the ship, so needless to say, we had a lot of exploring to do. We ended the night with a fabulous buffet and just sat on the deck watching the sunset and listening to the sounds of the ocean. But at near midnight, the promenade came alive with a spectacular parade.

I was so glad I stayed awake for the parade. I knew right then and there it was going to be the time of our lives.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
It's True.....................




Saturday, June 5, 2010
Happy Birthday Brian Daniel Hunt
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Feeling defeated
Friday, May 14, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mother's Day Reflections
Friday, May 7, 2010
One more week....................
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Patience, please
I knew when I went in for my appointment on Thursday the news was probably not going to be good, and my hunch proved true. I go back to the doctor in a week, so we shall see.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Instead of this:
I would start to heal. I must admit, they are probably right. I'm trying dear family. I am not used to having people wait on me. I am sorry Jillzilla has hatched. Doc says one more week and I should start to be in less pain. I know, this is going to be one looooooooong week. Thanks for all your efforts.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Happy Birthday Stephen Leighton!!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I just did it.

And their pretty cool parents:

I thank God for all of you each and every day. Like Grandma Shirley said, you all are truly amazing!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
God help her..............
About a foot away I saw this:
About five feet away, I saw THIS:
"Please don't beat me mommy!"
Apparently Miss Martha was trying her paws at dying Easter eggs, but didn't get the memo that you dye the eggs NOT the deck and yourself. Why God, why? Why me? Miss Mildred was an angel. Miss Martha is pure devil. Upon further investigation, this is what I found:
It appears as if a marker was found, and half eaten. Oh Martha, when will you stop?
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Happy Birthday Jill!!!
Today marks the first day of Spring and the birth of an incredible woman, my wife Jill. She is a fantastic mom and wonderful woman. The passion she brings to everything she does makes her a true force of nature. My children are truly blessed to have her as their mother and I am lucky man to share my life with her.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Happy Birthday Grandma Elaine
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Happy Birthday Angela
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Questions and Answers
1. When is Jen getting married? Jen is getting married on August 13, 2011.
2. When are you going on your cruise? We are leaving Miami on June 20, 2010. The cruise is a major celebration for my parents 50th wedding anniversary which will be on June 25, 2010.
3. Who is going on the cruise? Let's see, mom, dad, Janet, Matt, Jill, David, Stephen, Jen, Kelly, Jeffrey, Brian and Antonio. Angela, HeeSuk and Nehemiah will not be joining us:(
4. Where are you going on your cruise? We will leave Miami, head to Labadee, Haiti, then Ochos Rios, Jamaica, then St. George, Grand Cayman, then Cozumel, Mexico, and finally back to Miami.
5. Are you excited for the cruise? DUH, I can't believe you even asked that!!!
6. When is Angela moving back to the states? I honestly do not know.
7. Are you getting used to Minnesota yet? You would think after living here for 9 years there is one nice thing I could say about this place, but sorry, it still sucks. BUT, we did find a place that sells NJ style kielbasi AND has an awesome Polish buffet every Sunday, so things might start looking up. I also found there is a Polish festival, too!!!
8. Are the boys still being schooled at home? You bet your bottom dollar they are and WE LOVE IT!!! I really wish I would have started it years ago.
9. Do you miss NJ? Yes, I do. The last time I was there was for my grandmother's funeral 4 years ago. I do not miss the congestion. I miss my family terribly. I miss the Jersey Shore and the people of NJ. I miss going into NY during the holidays. I miss the food in NJ.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Happy Birthday Jeffrey Peter Hunt
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Capitol Update
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
We're going places.......

The Hunt Family is going to the Capitol building in Minnesota to tell their story!!!! We will be meeting personally with our state legislators and senators on Feb 17 to tell our story. We are nervous, we are excited, and we are thrilled our voices will be heard!! We will be telling our personal stories and why it is so important to make special education funding a top priority in Minnesota. Both Antonio and Brian will be telling their stories from a students perspective and Mama and Papa Hunt will be telling their stories from a parents perspective. What an amazing opportunity this is for our family.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Dear Winter
Please go away. I know I live in the frozen tundra, but this is not by my choice. I hate you winter. I need sun and warmth and green to survive. Go pester the people even further north who love you. Go pester the people who like to do outside sports. Go pester your friends who like to drill holes on your frozen lakes and sit there for hours on end. Winter, just please go away. Thank you.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Happy Birthday Antonio James!!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Our trip to Russia
These guys were having a blast wrestling in the snow!
Yes, I love this weather!
Ah, Tony, you might want to start running!!
The gorgeous Siberian Tiger!
Learning more about tigers. Yes, it won't be long before David is the shortest of the Hunt boys!!
We had a great time at the zoo. The animals are so much more visible when the zoo isn't crowded. We, too, like the zoo better when it isn't crowded.