I have been receiving quite a few emails of late asking a lot of questions. I have decided to post the questions here with my answers.
1. When is Jen getting married? Jen is getting married on August 13, 2011.
2. When are you going on your cruise? We are leaving Miami on June 20, 2010. The cruise is a major celebration for my parents 50th wedding anniversary which will be on June 25, 2010.
3. Who is going on the cruise? Let's see, mom, dad, Janet, Matt, Jill, David, Stephen, Jen, Kelly, Jeffrey, Brian and Antonio. Angela, HeeSuk and Nehemiah will not be joining us:(
4. Where are you going on your cruise? We will leave Miami, head to Labadee, Haiti, then Ochos Rios, Jamaica, then St. George, Grand Cayman, then Cozumel, Mexico, and finally back to Miami.
5. Are you excited for the cruise? DUH, I can't believe you even asked that!!!
6. When is Angela moving back to the states? I honestly do not know.
7. Are you getting used to Minnesota yet? You would think after living here for 9 years there is one nice thing I could say about this place, but sorry, it still sucks. BUT, we did find a place that sells NJ style kielbasi AND has an awesome Polish buffet every Sunday, so things might start looking up. I also found there is a Polish festival, too!!!
8. Are the boys still being schooled at home? You bet your bottom dollar they are and WE LOVE IT!!! I really wish I would have started it years ago.
9. Do you miss NJ? Yes, I do. The last time I was there was for my grandmother's funeral 4 years ago. I do not miss the congestion. I miss my family terribly. I miss the Jersey Shore and the people of NJ. I miss going into NY during the holidays. I miss the food in NJ.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Happy Birthday Jeffrey Peter Hunt
Good bye teens, hello twenties!!! Yep, that's right, son number 2 turned twenty today. Jeff is an amazing man. Wise and mature beyond his years, I always hear, "I wish I had a son like Jeff". Jeff, I don't know where to begin. You are an amazing musician. You are a talented artist. You are the bestest brother in the world. You need to bring your laundry up daily. You continue to be the comedian of this family. You have a way of turning storms into rainbows. You are a good listener. You need to bring your laundry up daily. I love the respect you have for me. I love watching you with your siblings. I loved going car shopping with you and seeing you drive up in your own wheels. I simply love you. I know great things are in store for you. I know there are days when you feel like you try so hard and nobody notices, but Jeff, I notice. I couldn't be more proud of you. You need to bring your laundry up daily. Hope you have a fantastic day. Happy Birthday and here's to many, many, many, more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Capitol Update
So yesterday was supposed to be our big day at the Captiol. We were on the road by 7:30 AM because we didn't know how traffic would be and we had to be there at 8:30 AM. Just our luck, there was no traffic and we got there about 20 minutes early. It was freezing cold outside. We were to meet at another building and then were going to head to the Capitol. Well, we get to that building and the doors are locked. UM, Houston, we have a problem. Sign says building does not open until 10:00. So the brave souls we are, we head out in the cold and walk to another building entrance F-R-E-E-Z-I-N-G only to find those doors locked, too. We finally ask somebody if they work in the building and they say yes and tell us the guard should unlock the doors around 8:30. Ok, just a little bit longer. We get inside and proceed to where we were supposed to meet. We go the the reservation desk and are told we are not registered. Um, hello, what is that you just said?? We just drove almost 40 miles for nothing. We woke our boys up at 6:30 for nothing? I got out of bed at 6:00 AM on my day off for NOTHING???????? Long story short, there was some sort of miscommunication between two different agencies. We were presented our options and decided to take the sure thing: reschedule for March 9. Done. We didn't put up much a stink because we didn't want to upset the boys. Mistakes happen and we still get to tell our story, just a couple of weeks later, so basically all is good.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
We're going places.......

The Hunt Family is going to the Capitol building in Minnesota to tell their story!!!! We will be meeting personally with our state legislators and senators on Feb 17 to tell our story. We are nervous, we are excited, and we are thrilled our voices will be heard!! We will be telling our personal stories and why it is so important to make special education funding a top priority in Minnesota. Both Antonio and Brian will be telling their stories from a students perspective and Mama and Papa Hunt will be telling their stories from a parents perspective. What an amazing opportunity this is for our family.
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