Today Jeffrey Peter Hunt will be celebrating his 21st birthday!! I can not put into words how much this boy means to our family. From the beginning, Jeffrey was an easy going child. Man, that boy was born with some amazing hair. He was also born with a very kind heart. Everybody should have a brother like Jeff. I wish I had a brother like Jeff. Don't get me wrong, you don't want to tick him off. There may or may not be an American Girl doll down in our basement with her hair removed by a very angry Jeff:) Jeff is an extremely talented musician and did his first solo gig not too long ago. Jeff, you are my friend, my confidant, your brothers hero, a prankster and an amazing man. I know your sister, ahem, Jen, does not always appreciate your jokes, but that's ok. I think they are hilarious. I can't wait to see you with Nehemiah in June and the shenanigans you will teach him. I wish for you nothing but the best. I am proud and honored to be your mom. Jepps, Jefferson, Jeffersonian, Jeffie, I love you to the moon and back and around the world a million times. Thank you for everything you do to not only help me but your siblings. Happy, Happy, Birthday.