The state that has the cherokee rose for its states flower.
The state that has the brown thrasher as its state bird.
The state that is the number one producer of the three P's: Peanuts, Pecans and Peaches.
The state that I officially graduated high school in.
The state where Uga resides.
The state that boasts naked dogs.
Ok, you probably figured it out by now. Yes, we are moving to Georgia!!!! We are still nailing down a definite date, but the packing and pitching has begun. Currently there is more pitching being done than packing. I think I liked it better when we moved more often. We have accumulated a lot of "stuff" in the 10 years we have been here. We are thankful that David has access to a dumpster at work as he has been taking a lot of the trash with him. While we are excited about our new adventure, I must say that I will miss my team at work. I finally broke the news to them last week and two of my full timers broke down in tears. They have been very loyal to me and I hope my replacement will continue to see the potential in them. I will update as soon as we have a definite date to move.