So no pictures right now, but I wanted to jump on here really quickly and wish my fourth born a very happy 19th birthday. Ah, your last year of "teen hood". Sorry for no pics right now, but I am working on a computer that has vista and can't figure out how to post the picture.......remember people, I am seriously technologically challenged. Jeffrey, you have been our family comedian from day one. We used to joke when you were little that you would be the next Jay Leno. You have made me laugh at times when I thought all I could do was cry. I thank you for that. I can honestly say that you win the award for testing my patience on a daily basis. I thank you for that, too, it keeps me on my toes. You are an incredible musician, and I truly hope that one day all your practicing will pay off and you will be able to afford whatever it takes to repair my broken eardrums:) I thank you for that too, not the eardrum part, but seeing the drive you have. Now if you could only harness some of your musical energy into picking up after yourself........ Seriously Jeff, I am so incredibly thankful for the gift of you. Having one special needs brother would be hard enough, but you have three and you handle it with such style. The time you spend playing games with Tony and Brian just melts my heart. I love the little setup you have with Steve for lunch, "Hey Jeff, if you drive us to get lunch I will buy." (Priceless and quite clever) Jeff, I hope this year is a great one for you. I love the fact that you portray your tough guy image to your friends but I have the honor and privilege of seeing the tender side of you. Okay, I will quit embarrassing you now and just end with I love you and am here for you, and will always be here for you. Happy 19 Jeffrey!!
Love, Mom AKA Team Lead Jill
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