To my dad: I hope you have a wonderful day. You have and continue to be an inspiration in my life. You give your love unconditionally and you ask for nothing in return. Thank you for always being there when we've needed you. I love you.
To my husband: I know it is a bittersweet day for you. Today is your "silver" celebration of fatherhood: your 25th Father's Day. (Now if that doesn't make you feel old, nothing will!!) You come home to the Crazy House of Hunt each day ready to help wherever you are needed. Thank you for that. You alone have cleaned up more explosions (I'm talking the projectiles that came out of many small childrens butts and mouths) during the night then any other man alive. Thank you for that. You are the story telling king (just ask Antonio). You are Brian's personal butler (aka Jeeves). You are Stephen's chauffeur. You are Jeffrey's alarm clock. You are Jen's sounding board. You are a wonderful father. I thank you for your continued support. I love you and hope you have a most excellent day.
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