Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Happy Birthday, Stephen

Yes, it is official, I am getting old. My oldest "baby" is 27 today. I still remember his birth like it was yesterday. I mean how can you forget, "We are heading to the OR now to save your life and your babies life!" Scary times that produced a beautiful 10lb 14oz baby boy. Stephen, you are an amazing big brother and oldest son. You have such a kind heart and are always willing to lend a helping hand. Thank you for being the builder of all things needing to be put together. Thank you for setting up my Ipad and constantly updating my folders. Thanks, too, for always being willing to get me unstuck in Angry Birds:) I hope you enjoy your birthday and that this next year brings you nothing but happiness. I love you with all my heart and soul. Thank you for being you:)

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