Thursday, July 17, 2008

Justice for Millie

Here is an excerpt from the letter I received from the federal justice
system regarding the breeder of Millie:
July 16, 2008

Dear Jill Hunt:

The United States Department of Justice believes it is
important to keep victimsof federal crime informed of
court proceedings.
This notice provides information about the above-referenced
criminal case.

On July 14, 2008, a jury returned the following verdict(s)
involving the defendant, Gina Price:

Number of Charges Description of Charges
----------------- ----------------------
2 Fraud and False statements
1 Social security fraud/payments
1 Mail Fraud - Frauds and swindles
1 Fraud by wire, radio, or television

This means we won!!!!!! We finally have
justice for Millie.

Can you see the smile on Millie's face?????

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Our very first post

Okay, so the crazy house of hunt has finally gone online. I don't have a clue as to what I am doing, but I must learn (at least that is what the kids are telling me!). I like the technologically challenged label I have given myself, but the kids just roll their eyes every time I ask them for help on the computer. So, bare with me as I take on this new endeavor all by myself.