Monday, August 20, 2012

It's been awhile..........

Wow, a little thing called life has gotten in the way and I do not know where the time has gone. Summer is coming to a close and it feels like it just started. Our first summer back in the south was hot, hot, hot! Luckily we joined a swim and tennis club which helped us stay cool on those really hot, humid days. The boys enjoyed the diving board and just being able to relax at the pool. I of course LOVED being in the sun, but even this sun worshipping mama had to spend a lot of time in the pool during those really hot days. It was just too hot to lay out on the lounge. We were able to get two trips in to Florida and one trip, sans kids, to Hilton Head/Savannah. In July Jen got engaged. These 4AM start times sure are no fun and I go back and forth asking to move to a different department. On one hand I like getting off at noon, but on the other hand I am ALWAYS exhausted. Overnites was much easier. The problem with the 4AM start time is that you are just in the middle of your REM sleep and you have to get up. I guess time will tell. We have finally been able to turn off the AC. Now mind you, it is still in the 80's, but the humidity has broke and that is a huge help. We also have a whole house attic fan (LOVE) that pulls the air through the house and keeps it cool. Well, that's about all for now. We are alive and well for the most part.........will try to update more often.