Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

It was a cold day in the frozen tundra, but the cold weather did not stop my little ghostbuster from taking to the streets to bust some ghosts!

While Tony was out busting some ghosts and collecting some candy with Jeff, this guy was at home handing out the candy. (I think it went something like one for you two for me......)

And this year, we GREW our own pumpkins!!! Here they are in their carved glory!! (Not too shabby for our first attempt at pumpkin growing!)

You may be wondering where was mama Hunt while it was trick or treat time?? Well mama Hunt and big brother Jeff Hunt both work for Target. Today Mama Hunt opened and Jeff closed. Tony was heartbroken with the thought that his idol AKA big brother Jeff Hunt would not be able to take him out this year. Have no fear!! Mama Hunt just went into work for 2 hours tonight to cover part of big brother Jeff Hunt's shift so Tony would not be disappointed. Tony had an awesome time and rumor has it that Jeff got some treats along the way!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I DID IT!!!!

Thank you Jesus!!! I passed!! I did it!!! I am now certified!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!! Click on the picture to see it enlarged.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Field Trip!!!

Despite the snowy weather, we headed off to the zoo today with about 20 other people from our online school. We had a blast!!! Here is a sampling of what we saw.

A bald eagle

A wolf

Sea otters

Lots of sea creatures

Snow Monkeys...yes that is a baby on mama's back!!

And the BEST monkeys of all!!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

THE Box..................

It is finally on its way!!! This is not the actual box. I am TERRIBLE at taking pictures. I always think of them AFTER the fact. What box you ask? THE Box for said first grandson in S. Korea. What is in the box? Again, no picture, but hopefully Angela will be able to blog about it and show pictures once she receives it. So for now, you will just have to picture the cuteness in your mind. It contains: One set of the softest bumper pads I have ever felt, 1 waterproof mattress pad, 3 crib sheets, 3 hooded towels, 1 adorable security blanket, 4 sleeping gowns, 4 receiving blankets, 8 outfits, 9 onesies, 2 pairs of pants, 13 pairs of assorted booties/shoes, 1 pair mittens, 1 hat set, 3 washcloths and 1 stuffed animal. And this my friends, is just the newborn stuff. I already have quite the collection of 3 month stuff. I will leave you with a preview of my favorite 3 month onesies:


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I was dooped!

I have been told by many that I have a heart of gold. I put others needs well ahead of my own. It's just me. I have been told I am too nice, too trusting, too caring, etc. My husband always says to me, "You are way nicer then me or way nicer then I would have been." Now believe me, I am by no means a push over, but I do have a very special place in my heart for people in need. So, on Friday, a team member who I hired and have known for awhile, tells me how she had an unexpected car expense and has no money to get groceries. This is a 44 year old woman with a 21 year old daughter that she is supporting on $8.42 an hour. The issue of her daughter is a whole different post. Anyhow, I ask if she can go to the foodshelf to get some groceries and she replies, "not till Monday." Oh, I almost forgot to mention that several months ago I bought said team member a pair of New Balance shoes which cost $75.00 to help her out. I proceed to talk to a few other managers. One tells me she is concerned that she is starting to take for granted the help from others. So, I decide to talk to David to see what he thinks I should do. After talking for awhile, I decide to go ahead and call said team member to tell her that I will help her out with groceries for the weekend. I spent $25.00 on basic necessities for her and her daughter. Said team member thanks me. I remind her that she has to go to the foodshelf on Monday, and she agrees. Yesterday, I see said team member at work and she asks if I can buy her one more thing. I pull out $10.00 from my pocket, give it to her and tell her to put the change in my desk. About 15 minutes later, I saw another manager and we started talking about said team member. I tell her what I did for said team member and she says, "Girlfriend, something is not right. I witnessed said team member paying cash for her lunch today that cost $7.74"! I will help anybody in need, but when I am lied to or deceived, my heart of gold turns to a heart of stone. Said team member has lots of 'splainin to do!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

For the record

We woke up to our grass covered in snow today. Yes, I said SNOW. The S word, the little pieces of white specs that fall from the sky, the one "wonder of nature" that causes my husband to buy ear plugs as I go into a tyrade of how the worst decision we ever made in our lives was to move to this God forsaken frozen tundra. Oh, the joys of winter.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Holy Crap, it's October!!

I can't believe how fast the days are flying by. It is a sad state of affairs when you work for a company that has Halloween down one aisle and Christmas down the next. Seriously people, do you really need to buy Christmas decorations in October?? I can MAYBE make a case for cards, especially if you have a lot to send out, but come on, really?? We have been super busy at work and my new position keeps me very busy. In two weeks I will be taking my grocery manager's licensure test. I will be glad when it is over. I have to be sure to bring a government issued ID. Apparently people in the past have tried to take the test for other people. I am absolutely loving teaching the boys at home. I can't believe we are nearing the six week mark for school. It is so neat to see the smiles on their faces. Our weather has turned cold here, so the last couple of days we have gone to school in our nice warm jammies and read/completed our lessons wrapped up in blankets. Jennifer is very busy with school and work. She is working on quite a big endeavor which will hopefully pan out for her. We won't know for a few more months if she's in or out, but as soon as we know, we will annouce it on here. (Sorry for keeping you in suspense, but I have been sworn to secrecy!) She and I will be attending a bridal fair on October25, so that will be fun. Jeffrey is busy with school, work and girlfriend. He bought her a beautiful diamond necklace for their two year anniversary. Yep, I raised my boys to treat their women right and not be afraid to go into a jewelry store. LOL!!! Stephen is busy with work and gaming. David is busy with life. As for me, I am thankful for the good days and am a trooper on the bad days. Getting out of the warehouse has definitely helped with the muscle fatigue, but I still have days when the pain is unbearable. On those days, ibuprofen is my best friend and unfortunately vicodin is my friend on others. Very soon I will be posting pictures of our "one room school house" as well as our homegrown pumpkins:)