Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Last Straw

My post birthday post will have to wait as I vent on a totally different subject. The subject is the school district in which my children attend. We have been going round and round with the district in regards to getting Tony the appropriate help that he needs. We are tired of fighting so we have hired an advocate for him. He has been doing very well with his advocate sessions, so she requested a meeting with the school to teach them some strategies that she would like them to try. I forgot to mention that she requested this meeting over 2 weeks ago, and the school district has yet to be able to find a time that works for a meeting. If this is not bad enough, on Wednesday Tony went to school and came home with a startling revelation. One of the kids in his class told him he was a vampire and bit him on his head. I was beside myself listening to him tell the story of how this first grader came up to him, gave him a hug, and then bit his head!!!!!!!!!!!!! What The F@#k?????? On Thursday, Dad decides to confront teacher and teacher says, "I had no idea that happened." AGAIN, What the F@#k???? So now I am PISSED!!! (Sorry mom, I know you hate that word.) After talking to the teacher, dad calls the special ed coordinator.
Dad tells her in no uncertain terms, he needs her to call him back on Monday or Tuesday with answers. I have no respect for his teacher at all. Anybody who knows Dad can vouch for his "reactive nature". Usually at meetings I am kicking him under the table requesting that he hold his temper. Well guess what?? This mom is pissed (sorry again mom) and has given dad the okay to unleash on the school. Mind you the last time he "unleashed", he had the the school psychologist in tears and banned from working with Tony. It should not be this hard. We should not have to fight to get Tony the services that he needs and is entitled to by law. I don't think the school district is ready for this. As any of my children will tell you, "You don't mess with a Hunt". This my friends is truly the last straw.

Friday, March 20, 2009

SuperMom Celebrates 48th Birthday

by Jen Hunt

March 20,1961--Peter and Elaine Slaynasky celebrate the birth of their new baby girl,Jill Anne Hunt. These extraordinary people had no idea that they gave birth to the superhero of today's world known as "SuperMom."

Today, SuperMom spends her days sans cloak, but still fighting against the bumps and bruises that her husband, six children, two bulldogs, three fish, two snails, and three shrimp seem to acquire on a daily basis. She takes a stand against swearing profusely, sibling violence, extreme pigstys, and late curfews.

Behind SuperMom's tough stances is a woman who can ease any heartache, diagnose any illness, and sleep through any television show. Her children look to her for guidance in all areas of life and she never disappoints. Through tears and giggle-fits, SuperMom has helped guide her kids from being ordinary to exceptional.

Though she seems indestructible, many ask just what are SuperMom's weaknesses? In this reporter's research, I was only able to uncover one huge obstacle in SuperMom's path. This evil is unlike any other and is certain to come around once a week. SuperMom cannot escape it. . . What is it? How will SuperMom deal with this evil this week?

This evil villain is just a day away. The villain, known as "SND" (short for Saturday Night Dinner) looms just over the horizon. SuperMom's vigilance against cooking Saturday nights fell short last Saturday as she prepared dinner for four of her children, but how will she fair this week?

Only time will tell. Today, though, we can all feel safe and secure as SuperMom celebrates her highest birthday yet (much to her chagrin). Thank you, SuperMom, for all that you do. It is this reporter's hope that you enjoy all of your suprises today.

The Hunt Press ©
March 20, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Angela Michelle Ko

Today is Angela's 23rd birthday. I hope you have a great day.

Saturday, March 7, 2009