Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I can't believe it is 2 days before Christmas. I have been crazy busy at work. I still have so much left to do. Jen and I finally made some Christmas cookies last night. I do not have to work on Christmas Eve, so it looks like once again I will be doing my famous 11th hour dash. Oh, how I hope next Christmas will be more relaxing.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Is it worth it??

Oh, how I wish we could post a sign like this at Target. Target has some bizarre policies when it comes to stealing. If we do not actually see the customer stealing the merchandise, we can not approach them at all. Yesterday I had just come into work when one of our security people pulls me aside and says "I need your help". He was tracking a known female thief in our store. She had merchandise in her hand one minute, and the next minute it was gone. Coincidence that she was carrying a big black purse with her???? NOT!!!!!! She was also talking on the Razor phone that we have her on camera as stealing the previous week (talk about adding insult to injury!!!). Anyhow, I make it very obvious that both myself and security are watching her. At one point, she opened the purse as if to put something in it, but caught site of me peering around the corner, so no dice. Eventually she proceeded to the checkouts and paid for one tube of crazy glue. Security decided they were going to follow her out to the parking lot, but in the meantime, she proceeds to the bathroom. I go into the bathroom making it very obvious the only reason I was in there was to hopefully get her to dump the merchandise she had in her purse. I finally leave the restroom. She comes out a few minutes later. Now I am seriously pissed off at her and am determined to recover our property. First I check the trash, one item in there. CRAP, we need at least $20.00 of items to make a report. I go into the stall she was in and first flush the toiled to make sure it isn't clogged. Yes, people will steal and flush the packing to avoid the alarms going off. Yes, that is gross. Toilet not clogged, CRAP again, where did she dump the rest of the stuff??? Ah, the sanitary napkin disposal. Sure enough, I open that and (insert drumroll), 7 more items were recovered!!! What was she stealing you wonder? 6 of the items were scrapbooking supplies and two of the items were from the electronics department. The next time she is in the store, we can apprehend her. I just hope I am on duty to enjoy the moment.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Snowy Wednesday

Martha LOVES to chase the kids down the hill while they are sledding. Here she is pleading with me to please let her off the deck so she can play with Tony.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

My Christmas List

All the Christmas lists have been made, except one--MINE. So my dear family, here is my list!!! Anyone who knows me knows of my love for hippos!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 28, 2008


The day I dread, the day I hope will pass quickly and without any fights is upon us. I will be safely hiding in my warehouse--where will YOU be???

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Twas the day before Thanksgiving

I should be working on getting ready for Thanksgiving, but finding videos like this is much more fun.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The ribbon

Do you remember when you were young and you competed in something and you couldn't wait to bring all your ribbons home to show off???? To me it didn't matter what color the ribbon was. It was just the fact that I had done something and been recognized with a ribbon. Well, this ribbon is one I wish I never would have received. It is a beautifully designed ribbon. The artist definitely captured the "spirit" behind this ribbon. 12 years ago today I "earned" this ribbon as my precious Lilly Marie was placed in my arms. She had 10 perfect toes, 10 perfect fingers and the cutest button nose I ever saw. She was missing one major component: a beating heart. Yes, this is the ribbon that symbolizes infant/pregnancy loss. 12 years later and I still question why. 12 years later and not a day goes by that I don't think about her. To Lilly, thank you for the signs you continue to send me letting me know you are always with me. Continue to fly high and watch over us. Your family loves and misses you. You are forever in our hearts.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Reindeer Run

No, I am not running in a marathon. Each year at Target, exactly one week before Thanksgiving, we are blessed with a caravan of corporate type people who canvas our store to make sure we are ready for the holiday season. This event is called Reindeer Run. Basically I better have all my ducks in a row or the @#it hits the fan. So, for the last couple of weeks my warehouse elves have been busy prettying up the joint: "Jill, you really expect us to wash down the dock doors? Jill, you really expect I am going to clean up that mess? Jill are you nuts? Jill are you crazy? Jill? Jill? JILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?" Out of the entire store, the area that scored PERFECT was the warehouse and the logistics team!!!!!!!!!!! While I did not officially run a marathon, I think my family and coworkers will tell you the reindeer above accurately depicts me during the last month. Don't worry, unlike the reindeer, I DID wear pants:)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

It's Show Time!!!!

I will not be able to take calls tonight because I will be HERE!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, I won't actually be in NYC, but the show has come to Minneapolis. Thank you Jenny for getting the tickets. We are going to have a great night.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Missing In Action

Since opening this blog up to "outsiders", I have been sent several emails inquiring as to why there are not pictures of Angela on the blog. Shortly after Jeffrey's graduation in June, Angela and her husband moved to South Korea. This was a hard blow to the family, and one in which we continue to try and heal from. Imagine looking your child in the face and asking, "When will you be back?", only to be told, "I don't know." The family continues to have a very hard time understanding this, so if you do talk regularly to the grandparents and feel "slighted" because this information was not shared with you, please understand it was not intentional. Some things that are not understood are just too painful to talk about.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Incase you were wondering........

Yes, the bullies dressed up. Happy Halloween from Devil Dog (AKA Martha) and Derby Dog (AKA Millie). Hey grandma, where's our treats??

You're never too old......

Happy Halloween from Venkman(AKA Steve), Riddler (AKA Jeff), a Secretary (AKA Heather-Jeff's girlfriend) and Indiana (AKA Antonio). This proves you're never too old to have fun!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Giving Thanks

Millie and Martha received a care package from Florida. Thanks grandma and poppop!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Who would've guessed

Who would have guessed that this adorable face,

Could murder a monkey. Hey Martha, what did that monkey ever do to you????

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A heavy heart

This morning I received a phone call from Brian's teacher. One of his classmates moms took her own life. She, too, has two children on the autism spectrum. I know all too well the stress that comes along with raising children with autism, but also know the tremendous joy. Our hearts go out to this family. Fly high sweet Jenifer.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Martha, Martha

For those of you who don't know, Miss Martha has been confined to a cone because of some eye issues. Obviously being in the cone, does not slow Martha down. Yes, the cone used to be round, and yes, those are teeth marks from her trying to eat it when she got it off. Oh, Martha, such a silly bully.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My three sons

Yes, Jeffrey did graduate way back in June!!! The "fourth son" was taking the picture.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Justice for Millie

Here is an excerpt from the letter I received from the federal justice
system regarding the breeder of Millie:
July 16, 2008

Dear Jill Hunt:

The United States Department of Justice believes it is
important to keep victimsof federal crime informed of
court proceedings.
This notice provides information about the above-referenced
criminal case.

On July 14, 2008, a jury returned the following verdict(s)
involving the defendant, Gina Price:

Number of Charges Description of Charges
----------------- ----------------------
2 Fraud and False statements
1 Social security fraud/payments
1 Mail Fraud - Frauds and swindles
1 Fraud by wire, radio, or television

This means we won!!!!!! We finally have
justice for Millie.

Can you see the smile on Millie's face?????

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Our very first post

Okay, so the crazy house of hunt has finally gone online. I don't have a clue as to what I am doing, but I must learn (at least that is what the kids are telling me!). I like the technologically challenged label I have given myself, but the kids just roll their eyes every time I ask them for help on the computer. So, bare with me as I take on this new endeavor all by myself.