Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Antonio James!!

Today the youngest Hunt turns 11 years old. It has been an amazing 11 years!! Antonio is just a joy to be around. I have never seen an 11 year old enjoy music as much as he does. He loves to rock out with his IPOD or playing rockband with his brothers. (Oh, sorry Tony, you have a ZUNE!) He absolutely loves all things science, especially the discovery channel. He is also a master lego builder, doesn't care, easy/hard, he builds them all. Tony, I can not tell you how much joy you have brought into my life and this families life. There is not a day that goes by that I do not thank God for the wonderful gift of you. I can not wait to come home each day and see your smiling face. I love, love, love, the kind and caring heart you have. Happy Birthday, T-bone!! May all your dreams come true! I love you to the moon and back, around the sun, through the entire solar system, and back to Minnesota.

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