Monday, October 17, 2011

Life in the south

Wow, it has been quite awhile since I last posted. This moving thing sure is taking up a lot of my time. We are slowly but surely getting the boxes unpacked. The weather has been absolutely amazing. I am in the process of deciding on curtains for the majority of our rooms. I completed the kitchen today and am very pleased with the outcome. I found a store down here called the Classy Flea. It is kind of like an indoor flea market, but more upscale. It is a very eclectic type place and their prices are downright affordable. Today we picked up a new kitchen table and 4 chairs for 100 dollars!!!!!!!!! I go there about 2 times a week because they are always getting in new stuff. Work is going well. We continue to be impressed with the friendliness of the south. David is enjoying his new store. The boys are adjusting to their new home. Jeff came for a visit last weekend and we had a blast. Martha is liking her new home, too. There are a lot more bulldogs down here including one just 4 doors up from us. Will post more and pictures when I have the time.

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