Saturday, October 17, 2009

THE Box..................

It is finally on its way!!! This is not the actual box. I am TERRIBLE at taking pictures. I always think of them AFTER the fact. What box you ask? THE Box for said first grandson in S. Korea. What is in the box? Again, no picture, but hopefully Angela will be able to blog about it and show pictures once she receives it. So for now, you will just have to picture the cuteness in your mind. It contains: One set of the softest bumper pads I have ever felt, 1 waterproof mattress pad, 3 crib sheets, 3 hooded towels, 1 adorable security blanket, 4 sleeping gowns, 4 receiving blankets, 8 outfits, 9 onesies, 2 pairs of pants, 13 pairs of assorted booties/shoes, 1 pair mittens, 1 hat set, 3 washcloths and 1 stuffed animal. And this my friends, is just the newborn stuff. I already have quite the collection of 3 month stuff. I will leave you with a preview of my favorite 3 month onesies:


1 comment:

akoto said...

Hee Suk had a heart attack when I read him the list of what you included. He gasped and said, "Oh my gosh, we don't need to buy him anything else!"