Thursday, February 18, 2010

Capitol Update

So yesterday was supposed to be our big day at the Captiol. We were on the road by 7:30 AM because we didn't know how traffic would be and we had to be there at 8:30 AM. Just our luck, there was no traffic and we got there about 20 minutes early. It was freezing cold outside. We were to meet at another building and then were going to head to the Capitol. Well, we get to that building and the doors are locked. UM, Houston, we have a problem. Sign says building does not open until 10:00. So the brave souls we are, we head out in the cold and walk to another building entrance F-R-E-E-Z-I-N-G only to find those doors locked, too. We finally ask somebody if they work in the building and they say yes and tell us the guard should unlock the doors around 8:30. Ok, just a little bit longer. We get inside and proceed to where we were supposed to meet. We go the the reservation desk and are told we are not registered. Um, hello, what is that you just said?? We just drove almost 40 miles for nothing. We woke our boys up at 6:30 for nothing? I got out of bed at 6:00 AM on my day off for NOTHING???????? Long story short, there was some sort of miscommunication between two different agencies. We were presented our options and decided to take the sure thing: reschedule for March 9. Done. We didn't put up much a stink because we didn't want to upset the boys. Mistakes happen and we still get to tell our story, just a couple of weeks later, so basically all is good.

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