Monday, February 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Jeffrey Peter Hunt

Good bye teens, hello twenties!!! Yep, that's right, son number 2 turned twenty today. Jeff is an amazing man. Wise and mature beyond his years, I always hear, "I wish I had a son like Jeff". Jeff, I don't know where to begin. You are an amazing musician. You are a talented artist. You are the bestest brother in the world. You need to bring your laundry up daily. You continue to be the comedian of this family. You have a way of turning storms into rainbows. You are a good listener. You need to bring your laundry up daily. I love the respect you have for me. I love watching you with your siblings. I loved going car shopping with you and seeing you drive up in your own wheels. I simply love you. I know great things are in store for you. I know there are days when you feel like you try so hard and nobody notices, but Jeff, I notice. I couldn't be more proud of you. You need to bring your laundry up daily. Hope you have a fantastic day. Happy Birthday and here's to many, many, many, more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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