Wednesday, May 2, 2012


There is no way to hide it.......I am very sad right now. Losing Martha has been hard......very hard. I don't understand why she had to go so soon. I lost it last night........I cried for two hours straight. I come home from work and immediately look to her room like this is all a bad dream and I will see her waiting for me to go outside. Oh, she could be such a pain in the ass, but what I wouldn't give now to have that pain back again. Martha, I am so, so, sorry you got so sick. The doctor assured us we were making the right decision because you were in a lot of pain. Your daddy was by your side as you drew your last breath. We loved you Martha and wish you were here. Tony is having a tough time without you here, too. I hope Millie and Daisy and Ollie and Clyde and Sheba and Dino are running through the fields with you. I hope you got a chance to meet your sister Lilly, too. You are healed now Martha and free to run. We will never forget our Miss Martha May.

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