Saturday, July 31, 2010

We Interrupt the Cruise Posts.........

Day 6 of the cruise will just have to wait because today is Daddy Hunt's birthday!! Daddy Hunt is an amazing guy. He is not nearly as crazy as Mommy Hunt, but that's okay. In times of crisis he is the one we all turn to for our support. He is our rock. When Mommy Hunt is freaking out because the car was in an accident, it is Daddy Hunt who reminds her, "at least nobody was hurt". When Mommy Hunt is freaking out because the house is a wreck, it is Daddy Hunt who always asks, "where do you need my help". When Mommy Hunt thinks the weight of the world is on her shoulders and feels like giving up, it is Daddy Hunt who takes her gently in his arms and says, "I am here for you". And when Daddy Hunt thinks somebody is not being nice to his children, it is Mommy Hunt that just stands aside and lets him take over. Daddy Hunt, thank you for always being there for us. Even through all the eye rolls, the hmpffs, the stares and the stink eyes your love for us is unwaivering. I hope this year is a magical one for you. I love you to infinity and beyond and couldn't imagine like without you. Living with a Polish Jersey Girl isn't easy. Thank you for putting up with me. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!

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