Thursday, September 10, 2009

School Q and A

I have had lots of questions regarding Brian and Tony's schooling this year, so rather then answer each person individually, I will attempt to answer all the questions here.
Are you homeschooling? No, we are not homeschooling. The boys are enrolled in a charter school which happens to be online.
Do you plan the lessons? No, I do not plan the lessons. Each day they log into their homepage and it tells them what they need to complete for the day.
Are you their teacher? No, I am called a learning coach. They have teachers who are available by either phone, email or webcam to help them if they do not understand something. They still have a special education case manager, too. They still have IEP's. The difference is that instead of going to a brick and mortar school each day, they do school from the comfort of their own home with lots less anxiety and contact the teacher on an as needed basis.
Did you have to buy their books? No, the books are sent from the school. They are everyday textbooks like any child in school would have. Many of Brian's lessons are online, so he does not have the same amount of books as Tony.
Did you have to buy a new computer? No, the school supplies a desktop computer, too.
How many hours a day are they on the computer? It varies from day to day. For Tony, I go online and write down his daily lessons. He only goes on the computer for school for tutorials and watching the movies that go along with the lesson. Brian spends about 2 hours a day on the computer and the rest of his time he is doing his lessons offline.
Are you worried about the social piece? No, we are not. There are tons of field trips that they can go on with their classmates as well as our own field trips. Neither boys are ever going to be social butterflies and we have accepted that.
Who does most of the schooling piece? When we originally decided to remove them from public school, David and I were going to share the schooling piece. It was very obvious from the beginning that the boys preferred mom as the main learning coach. David helps out when he can and is more then happy to do so.
How do you balance work, school, family time, etc? I think when the good Lord created me, he gave me some wonderful super powers. I am exhausted by the end of the day, but seeing the boys so much happier and less anxious drives me to keep going. The beauty of this school is that we can tailor it to fit our schedule. Many days we don't start school until 4:00 in the afternoon, while other days we start at 10:00 in the morning.
Would you recommend this program for others? Yes, if you truly are willing to put your children's needs before your own.
I think I covered everything. In my next post, I will post pictures of our "classroom". Thank you IKEA for having reasonably priced furniture for our classsroom.

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